Flexibility of Generator and Converter


Work package 4 addresses the issues relating to starting (both pumping and generating mode) and operation of the converter driven pumped storage unit. The starting will be improved/smoothed with the help of the converter, and the operation enhanced via regulating systems that will provide strong ancillary services to the grid and minimize component wear. The goal is to arrive at a system that combines the converter and synchronous machine with magnetization system and smart control and insulation that copes with the switched power supply.

© Geir Mogen/NTNU


  • Develop a synchronous generator rotor design with high efficiency for variable speed operation and tailored low-loss multilevel converters
  • Develop high power frequency converter and configuration for power station performance and costs
  • Optimized joint control of converter and rotor magnetization to optimize performance and provide a robust grid connection with good fault ride through capabilities
  • Develop simulation models for investigation of the capability of the power station to stabilize the power grid during major disturbances, and to investigate the capability to keep the power station connected during major grid disturbances
  • Present an insulation system with improved field grading design that can mitigate the effect from high power electric converter fast voltage switching long term. Make the effect of over-harmonics from high power electronic converters insignificant for the service lifetime of the generator insulation- and end winding system


Work package 4 is led by the Division of Electricity at the Department of Engineering Sciences, Uppsala University.

Contact: Prof. Urban Lundin
