Ethics Requirements
Work package 1 – Ethics requirements – aims to make sure that any ethical issues arising during the course of the HydroFlex project will be properly managed. In line with the Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) framework, HydroFlex considers ethics, along with the other five RRI principles public engagement, gender equality, science education, open access and governance as an integral part of all project activities. Our research and innovation activities will be carried out according to highest quality and ethical standards.
Picture of Nidelven ©Statkraft
The objective of work package 1 is to ensure compliance with the ethics requirements. This will be done by formulating guidelines related to:
- the procedures and criteria for the identification and recruitment of research participants in the HydroFlex project
- the informed consent procedures for the participation of humans in the HydroFlex project
Compliance with the ethics requirements guidelines will be monitored throughout the duration of the project.
This work package sets out the ethics requirements that the project must comply with.
- D1.1 – H – Requirement No. 1
Work package 1 is led by HydroFlex Coordinator NTNU.
Contact: Dr. Sara Heidenreich

All HydroFlex partners will be involved in formulating ethics guidelines, ensuring compliance to the ethics requirements and considering ethics in all HydroFlex activities.