HydroFlex Poster Exhibition
At the HydroFlex workshop in Trondheim on May 27th 2019, all HydroFlex PhD Candidates presented posters about their PhD projects.
HydroFlex presentation at the IEEE Workshop in Athens
On 22nd of April, Roberto Felicetti, PhD candidate at Uppsala University, has presented the progresses of the Hydroflex Project Group WP4 at the 4th IEEE Workshop on Electrical Machine Design, Control and Diagnosis.
Meet HydroFlex PhD Candidates: Chengjun Tang
HydroFlex PhD Candidate Chengjun Tang from Chalmers University of Technology in Sweden conducts research in WP4 on "Converter Design for Hydro Turbine"
Meet HydroFlex PhD Candidates: Roberto Felicetti (UU)
HydroFlex PhD Candidate Roberto Felicetti from Uppsala University in Sweden conducts research in WP4 on "Alternative excitation systems finalized to the generator self-start".
First HydroFlex webinar is available!
HydroFlex researcher Marius Siemonsmeier from the Institute of Power Systems and Power Economics at RWTH Aachen presents the webinar "Hydropower and Flexibility: Defining three European energy scenarios".
Scenarios of the future
This brief popular science article summarizes the HydroFlex report "Hydropower Providing Flexibility for a Renewable Energy System: Three European Energy Scenarios"