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Link for online participation : https://NTNU.zoom.us/j/98080216536?pwd=NEc0cXVDSkQ3OGVCdWFLZnJpY1FtQT09


The HydroFlex project is 4 years, 5.4 mil € research project financed through EU’s Horizon 2020 program. The aim of the project is to increase the value of hydro power through increased Flexibility. In this public workshop, some of the key results from the project will be presented. The workshop will present the scenarios the project has been working with and address the following questions:

  • How flexible can a Francis turbine be operated?
  • How to increase flexibility of the generator?
  • Can we analyze and understand the trade-off between increased flexibility and environmental impact? and
  • What is the public acceptance for more flexible operation?

After a winter with unprecedented price peaks and high volatility, the question of the role of highly flexible hydropower is more pertinent than ever.

09:00Welcome physical and digital participantsBjarne Børresen (Multiconsult)
09:15Presentation of HydroFlex projectOle Gunnar Dahlhaug (NTNU)
09:25Hydropower in the European energy system: Future flexibility requirements (WP2)Peter Wirtz (RWTH Aachen University)
09:45WP2 – discussions
10.30Increasing Flexibility of  Francis Turbines (WP3)Igor Iliev (SINTEF)
10.50WP3- discussions
11.00Converter controlled synchronous machines, overcoming challenges in generators to switches (WP4)Urban Lundin (Uppsala University)
11.20WP4 – discussions
11.40Mitigation of environmental impact from flexible hydropower (WP5)Staffan Lundström (Luleå University of Technology)
12.00WP5 – discussions
12.10To flex or not to flex, – that is the question (WP6)Bjarne Børresen (Multiconsult)
12.25WP6 – discussions
12.35Panel discussionsWP leaders & others
13.50Closing remarks from EU project officerSebastien Mortier
14.00Closing remarks from Project CoordinatorOle Gunnar Dahlhaug
14:10End of the programBjarne Børresen

Link for online participation : https://NTNU.zoom.us/j/98080216536?pwd=NEc0cXVDSkQ3OGVCdWFLZnJpY1FtQT09