The Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje (UKiM) is the first state University in Macedonia, founded in 1949. The University represents a functional community of 23 faculties, 5 research institutes and 11 accompanying members. UKiM develops study programs in all scientific fields, and has approximately 50,000 enrolled students in all cycles of studies, with more than 700 foreign students; over 2,700 teaching, research and associate academic staff; over 126,000 graduated with Bachelor degree; over 5,300 graduated with Master’s degree; and around 3,200 doctors of science in all teaching and scientific fields.
The Faculty of Mechanical Engineering (FME) is part of UKIM for more than 55 years. FME is consisted of six Institutes and one Department responsible for academic and study related matters in their respective fields of expertise and for research and development (R&D) activities. The Hydraulic Engineering Department at FME department has been involved in all stages of hydropower projects for more than 40 years. The experience with numerical investigation dates back since late 1990s.
Contact information
Contact information
Main Contact
Prof Zoran Markov

Other participants
Marija Lazarevikj

Filip Stojkovski