Luleå University of Technology (LTU) is experiencing strong growth with world-leading competence in several areas of research. LTU has an annual turnover of EUR 160 million. Today the university has 1,700 employees and 19,000 students. Research is conducted in close cooperation with companies such as Bosch, Ericsson, Scania, LKAB, SKF, Vattenfall and leading international universities and has a turnover of more than EUR 90 million.
Hydropower is a main area of research involving 12 Professors, 18 other senior staff members and 30 PhD-students spread over 11 of the Universities Research subjects. Hydropower is a part of Renewable Energy being one of the Universities Areas of Excellence in Research and Education and is prioritized.
Contact information
Main contact
Prof Staffan Lundström

Other participants
Prof Michel Cervantes
Dr Gunnar Hellström
Dr Anders Andersson
Jesline Joy

Anton Burman