The Nordic Power System is undergoing a significant change.  This change is expected to continue in the next decade. Development of renewable power production has led to an increased share of intermittent or weakly dispatchable generation.  Electrification in transport and industry will potentially change the demand profile. The Nordic frequency region already have substantial interconnections to Europe. A moderate increase of interconnection capacity is foreseen in the next decade. Within ENTSO-E as well as within the Nordic TSO’s there is ongoing work to develop flexibility markets. The most concrete result is the establishment of Nordic Balancing Model (NBM), but there may be changes to all parts of the ancillary services market in the next decade. For anyone involved in developing projects, products, technology, or services, this raises several questions.

  • What will be the flexibility needs and demand for ancillary services in 2030?
  • How will the marked for these services be operating in 2030?
  • Is it possible to predict what will be the market price for these services in 2030?
  • What technologies will be the suppliers for these system services in 2030?

The HydroFlex public workshop in spring 2021 will put these questions on the agenda. Please click here for detailed program:

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